Powers and Functions of the Governing Body:
(a) Make an overall policy of the Foundation in consonance with the provisions of the Act.
(b) Consider and approve the balance sheet and audited accounts of the Foundation.
(c) Consider and approve the Annual Report of the Foundation.
(d) Approve the work plan, fund flow, Annual Budget of the Foundation.
(e) Make amendment in the deed of trust, which may be necessary, subject to the approval of the Government.
(f) Approve the “Operations Manual” of the Foundation.
(g) Coordinate between different Govt. departments and other institutes and non Governmental organizations.
(h) Frame rules and regulations under the provisions of the trust of deed for managing the affairs- of the Foundations.
(i) Take all policy decisions regarding fundraising, investment, and budget of the Foundation.
(j) Suspend, terminate or affect any other procedures on any Project or activity undertaken by the Foundation.
(k) Form such other functions as may be necessary to achieve the objectives of the trust.